Thursday, September 16, 2021

how to treat rickets

How to Rreat Rickets

Rickets mostly occurs in poor people and mostly young children suffer from this disease.  This disease is also called malnutrition-related disease.

Symptoms of Rickets: 

When a young child has rickets, then symptoms like irritability, cold muscles, restlessness, paleness, profuse sweating from the head, diarrhea, dysentery and weak bones etc.  Huh.  When the bones of the spine of a patient suffering from rickets become weak, then there are also disorders in his chest, due to which the patient child starts having trouble walking and getting up.

Causes of Rickets: 

Rickets occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin 'D' in the body of children.  Adequate amount of calcium and phosphorus is maintained in the body only by vitamin 'D'.  Due to lack of calcium and phosphorus, the bones of the body do not get nutrition, due to which the child gets this disease.

Naturopathy treatment for dry disease:

To protect your child from rickets, young children who are less than 1 year old should be fed breast milk for at least 1 year.  After that the child should be fed cow's or goat's milk.

The woman who gives milk to the child, she should consume more foods containing calcium and vitamin 'D' so that calcium and vitamin 'D' can be made in her milk.
If a child has got this disease, then that child should be given milk mixed with sesame seeds.  It cures Rickets. 

The child should take air bath and incense bath daily so that his disease can be cured.

Oil should be massaged on the child's spine daily and a wet clay bandage should be done on his pelvis for some time.  In this way, by treating with naturopathy, rickets gets cured quickly.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

how do you get rid of boils on your body


Due to this disease, small grains come out on the body of the patient, in which pus and pus are filled.  Due to this disease, a lump also occurs in the boil and after a few days this lump becomes soft and is filled with pus and contaminated blood.  This is called a boil.  When it bursts, contaminant exudate and toxic blood (blood) starts coming out of it.

The boil can be both small and large.  The patient suffering from this disease may also complain of fever and constipation.  These boils sometimes heal on their own in 2-3 days, some do not heal quickly.

When the boil bursts, it dries up for 7 to 10 days.  When the boil is tampered with, it takes an unusual form and it takes the form of diseases like canker, canker and cancer etc. and becomes very painful.

Cause of boil:

The main cause of boil is the accumulation of contaminated fluid in the body.  When contaminated matter is mixed in the blood, it starts coming out in the form of a rash on any weak part of the body and it is filled with pus or pus.  Lumps also form in the boil and the diseased part sometimes becomes red in color and burning, itching and pain also start at that place.

Treatment of boils with natural medicine:

To treat boils with natural medicine, first of all, until the boil of the patient boils, warm water should be sprinkled on it 2-3 times daily or for 10 minutes 2-3 times for at least 2 hours.  It should be changed to a paste of warm soil or a wet cloth bandage.  After this, make a paste by grinding neem leaves and apply it on the boil and bandage it with a cloth.  By doing this bandage every day, the boil gets cured in a few days.

The patient should do enema daily with lukewarm water so that his stomach can be cleaned and the contaminated matter can come out from his body.

Mix lemon juice in water and wash the boil with that water and after that a cloth bandage should be done on the boil.  When the boil becomes purulent, then a cloth bandage should be done on it soaked in warm water for at least 5 minutes.  After this, exudate and poisonous blood should be taken out by bursting the boil and then after this, soak 3-4 times a day with a cloth soaked in cold water.  It cures the boil soon.

When the boil bursts, a warm bandage of sandy soil or a wet cloth should be applied alternately by giving light steam on it twice a day.  After this, when that bandage is opened, it should be opened only after washing it with cold water.

When a large number of boils are coming out in the patient's body, then at that time the patient should fast for 2 days and drink fruit juice and enema should be done with lukewarm water during the day.  Along with this, the patient should drink lemon juice mixed with water.  The patient should take bath once a week by placing a cold bandage on the boils.

and wash the feet with warm water.  The patient should take Katisan and Mehanasana twice daily.  In the night time, the patient should keep a warm earthen bandage on his stomach.  Apart from this, the patient should take a bath with lukewarm water and wipe his body with a towel.  Blue light should also be given by giving green light on the boil.  In this way, by treating with naturopathy, the boil gets cured quickly.

To protect boils from flies etc., lemon juice mixed with coconut oil should be applied on them and along with it, it should be treated with natural medicine.  It cures the boil quickly.

Chewing 4-5 leaves of neem in the morning cures the boil quickly.
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Monday, September 13, 2021

how to cure shortness of breath asthma- Home Remedies


In an asthma attack, the windpipe is affected and there is difficulty in breathing.  Seizures cause tension in the windpipe.  The muscles of the windpipe contract and the tube becomes tight.  Due to this, there is pain at the time of exit or entry of air from the lungs.  The build-up of mucus in it makes breathing more difficult.

due to asthma

The first attack of asthma is caused by an infection in the lungs.  Asthma can also be caused by allergies to germs, food items and any reason in the house.  Asthma occurs due to emotional reasons and also due to change of season.

symptoms of asthma

Symptoms of asthma include a whistling sound from the windpipe and sometimes a cough.  Pulsation speed of pulse increases.  Due to difficulty in breathing, the patient also has difficulty in speaking during the seizure.

treatment of asthma

Asthma patients often use an inhaler when they have an attack or take medicines that open the airways and make breathing easier.

1. Prepare a powder by making a pudding cake.  Mix equal quantity of liquorice powder in it and lick half to one gram with honey.  This removes the discomfort of the respiratory tract, it is beneficial in asthma, cough and cold.  This powder can also be taken with hot water.  You can increase or decrease the quantity according to age.  Simple asthma gets cured by taking it for three to four weeks.

2. Asthma also happens to children.  Wash some basil leaves thoroughly and make a paste.  Licking it by mixing it with honey is very beneficial for children.  Do not give curd, urad dal, cabbage, oil-chili food and more spices to the sick child.  Take the sick child for a walk in the park every morning and evening.

3. Do not worry about the child's illness even mentally, because the respiratory disease is more acute than worry.

4. Figs are beneficial for asthma patients.  This makes it easier for the mucus to come out.  Wash two-three figs with hot water and soak them overnight in a clean vessel.  Chew those figs a lot before breakfast in the morning.  After that drink that water.

5. Grapes are very beneficial for asthma patients.  Both grapes and grapefruit juice can be used.  Some doctors even say that if an asthma patient is kept in a vineyard, then there is a quick benefit.

6. Take equal quantity of Harad, Bahera and Amla, Vidar, Asgandha, Black pepper, Saunth, Vaivadang, Punarnava, Chitrak root bark and Satgiliya and filter them and make tablets of five to six grams.  Drying in the shade, taking one tablet with milk in the morning is beneficial in asthma.

7. Mixing some salt and honey in orange juice is beneficial to the patient of asthma, cold, cough and bronchitis.  Mucus comes out easily.

8. Taking fresh juice of amaranth leaves mixed with honey and drinking it daily is also beneficial in chronic asthma.  The juice of amaranth greens is like nectar for weak patients due to asthma.  A man does not get old prematurely by using amaranth in any form.

9. Mix one spoon powder of bitter gourd root with honey and give it at night to cure asthma patient.  Expected benefits are given by giving it for about a month.  Mixing basil leaves in the above powder of bitter gourd root is also beneficial.

10. Drumstick leaves soup 18 ml  Asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases are cured by drinking it after mixing some salt, black pepper and lemon juice in it.

11. It has already been told about garlic.  Boiling three-four cloves of garlic in milk and taking it before going to sleep at night is very beneficial for asthma patients.  Peel a lump of garlic and take 120 ml.  Boil in real vinegar (not synthetic vinegar) 

well mashed and churned.  When it cools down, filter it and mix equal amount of honey in it and keep it in a clean bottle.  Taking one or two spoons of this syrup with decoction of fenugreek in the evening and before sleeping, it reduces the intensity of asthma.

12. Taking one spoonful of ginger juice mixed with honey in a cup decoction of fenugreek is beneficial in asthma.

13. Mix one spoon juice of mint, two spoons real vinegar, equal quantity of honey and four ounces of carrot juice and give it daily, it is beneficial in asthma and bronchitis.  With its use, asthma attacks are reduced and the blockage of the respiratory tract is removed.

14. Make a decoction of spinach leaves and two spoons of fenugreek seeds.  Add a pinch of ammonium chloride and honey to it and mix 30 ml.  It is beneficial to keep giving this quantity three times a day.

15. Sunflower seeds are very beneficial for asthma patients.  One teaspoon powder of sunflower seeds mixed with two teaspoons of honey should be given once or twice a day.  Taking a decoction of sunflower flowers mixed with honey is beneficial in asthma and the troubles of the respiratory tract are removed.  Honey is a very useful medicine in itself.  This helps to get rid of laryngeal pain.

16. Fennel has the properties of clearing mucus.  If asthma patients keep using its decoction regularly, then it will definitely be beneficial.

17. Mix two spoons of asafoetida in honey as much as millet seeds.  Mixing one teaspoon juice of betel in half a teaspoon juice of onion and taking it thrice a day is beneficial for asthma patients.

18. Use of makoy and carom seeds benefits in asthma.

19. Boil four-six cloves in a cup of water and mix honey and drink it thrice a day, it ends asthma.  This removes the blockage of the respiratory tract.

20. Vitamin-E is beneficial for asthma patients.  It is obtained from sprouted wheat, soybean, pistachio, sunflower oil, coconut, ghee, butter, tomato, grapes and dry fruits.  By using them, the supply of Vitamin-E continues.

Counseling for asthma patients

1. As far as possible the stomach of asthma patients should be kept clean.

2. One should protect himself from extreme cold, especially during the time of change of weather.

3. Water should be drunk lightly.  In cities where water is supplied by rivers, it is preferable to boil water and drink it slightly warm.

4. Asthma patients should eat milk, spinach, amaranth, soybean, dry fruits, gooseberry, carrot, paneer and sesame regularly.  They keep supplying the necessary calcium.

5. Keep drinking lemon juice in hot water.  Banana should be eaten less.  Use of bitter gourd in the form of vegetable or juice is beneficial in asthma.

6. Taking garlic, onion juice, mint juice, small cardamom, turmeric (with milk) is beneficial for asthma patients.  During asthma attacks, keeping hands and feet immersed in warm water provides relief.
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Sunday, September 12, 2021

How can you get rid of obesity, home remedies

How can you get rid of obesity, home remedies

When you hear that a man's weight has increased more than necessary, then a picture of an enlarged stomach and a person who looks unable to walk starts coming in your mind.  It is also true that due to the enlarged stomach, a person gets rid of many types of problems at once and there are many reasons behind this disease.

Weight gain in man is due to lack of exercise, stress, hormonal imbalance and wrong eating habits and restless life.  In a fast-paced life, due to work pressure and stress, a person does not get the time to exercise.

Abdominal fat is considered to be the most dangerous in obesity, which is a mine of diseases and in a way, it is considered a silent killer when the stomach grows.  In obesity, if a person drinks alcohol and smokes, then it becomes common for him to have heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney problems.  In a state of stress, a person often resorts to cigarettes, alcohol or tobacco to get rid of stress 

so that his stress is reduced.  Many people do not pay attention to their health and fitness until there is some kind of problem in their body.  Some men, like women, keep avoiding them when they get sick and go to the last stage and get them treated.  A person can keep the problem of obesity away from himself by adopting a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and regular exercise in his life.

Why it is important for men to lose weight

To live a healthy and disease-free life, it is very important for men to keep their weight under control or reduce the increased weight.  The weight gain of a man not only makes him look unappealing and unsightly, but it also makes you vulnerable to many life-threatening diseases.  Increasing obesity increases the risk of developing the following diseases and consequently becoming life threatening.

Hypertension or high blood pressure and cholesterol problems

Overweight man often suffers from the problem of high blood pressure and cholesterol.  If these diseases are not treated on time, then the risk of heart disease and heart attack increases as a result of this.

heart disease

A rapid heart rate in an overweight man increases the risk of heart attack several times higher than in a thin man.  Millions of people die every year due to this disease.  Modern lifestyles and the stress that comes with it increase the risk of premature and sudden heart attack.


Obesity, especially in men, increases the risk of prostate and colon cancer.
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