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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

how do you get rid of boils on your body


Due to this disease, small grains come out on the body of the patient, in which pus and pus are filled.  Due to this disease, a lump also occurs in the boil and after a few days this lump becomes soft and is filled with pus and contaminated blood.  This is called a boil.  When it bursts, contaminant exudate and toxic blood (blood) starts coming out of it.

The boil can be both small and large.  The patient suffering from this disease may also complain of fever and constipation.  These boils sometimes heal on their own in 2-3 days, some do not heal quickly.

When the boil bursts, it dries up for 7 to 10 days.  When the boil is tampered with, it takes an unusual form and it takes the form of diseases like canker, canker and cancer etc. and becomes very painful.

Cause of boil:

The main cause of boil is the accumulation of contaminated fluid in the body.  When contaminated matter is mixed in the blood, it starts coming out in the form of a rash on any weak part of the body and it is filled with pus or pus.  Lumps also form in the boil and the diseased part sometimes becomes red in color and burning, itching and pain also start at that place.

Treatment of boils with natural medicine:

To treat boils with natural medicine, first of all, until the boil of the patient boils, warm water should be sprinkled on it 2-3 times daily or for 10 minutes 2-3 times for at least 2 hours.  It should be changed to a paste of warm soil or a wet cloth bandage.  After this, make a paste by grinding neem leaves and apply it on the boil and bandage it with a cloth.  By doing this bandage every day, the boil gets cured in a few days.

The patient should do enema daily with lukewarm water so that his stomach can be cleaned and the contaminated matter can come out from his body.

Mix lemon juice in water and wash the boil with that water and after that a cloth bandage should be done on the boil.  When the boil becomes purulent, then a cloth bandage should be done on it soaked in warm water for at least 5 minutes.  After this, exudate and poisonous blood should be taken out by bursting the boil and then after this, soak 3-4 times a day with a cloth soaked in cold water.  It cures the boil soon.

When the boil bursts, a warm bandage of sandy soil or a wet cloth should be applied alternately by giving light steam on it twice a day.  After this, when that bandage is opened, it should be opened only after washing it with cold water.

When a large number of boils are coming out in the patient's body, then at that time the patient should fast for 2 days and drink fruit juice and enema should be done with lukewarm water during the day.  Along with this, the patient should drink lemon juice mixed with water.  The patient should take bath once a week by placing a cold bandage on the boils.

and wash the feet with warm water.  The patient should take Katisan and Mehanasana twice daily.  In the night time, the patient should keep a warm earthen bandage on his stomach.  Apart from this, the patient should take a bath with lukewarm water and wipe his body with a towel.  Blue light should also be given by giving green light on the boil.  In this way, by treating with naturopathy, the boil gets cured quickly.

To protect boils from flies etc., lemon juice mixed with coconut oil should be applied on them and along with it, it should be treated with natural medicine.  It cures the boil quickly.

Chewing 4-5 leaves of neem in the morning cures the boil quickly.

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