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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Best way to avoid insomnia

way to avoid insomnia

Best way to avoid insomnia

If you are a victim of insomnia for a long time, then this disease can reduce your life.  There are many people who do not complete their sleep and are engaged in work even after getting sleep.  To be healthy, people should get at least six hours of sleep.  If you avoid sleep for a long time, you can become a victim of insomnia.

inflammation in your blood.

Studies have found that chronic insomnia increases the level of inflammation in your bloodWhich can lead to diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, dementia, obesity and depression.

While sleeping, the environment around you should be kept calm.  Try to sleep comfortably by turning off the loud noises around you.  Your sleeping bed should be soft and comfortable.  So that you can sleep comfortably.  Because if the bed is hard then you cannot sleep peacefully on it.

The light of the room

The light of the room should be extinguished while sleeping because when the light is lit, the eyes start opening again and again and you are not able to sleep.  So sleep in a dark room.

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