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Saturday, July 31, 2021

home remedies to get rid of dead skin cells

home remedies to get rid of dead skin cells

home remedies to get rid of dead skin cells

Skin is the largest part of our body.  Our body constantly keeps expelling new cells from the inner skin to the outer skin, due to which our skin remains young, smooth and glowing.

But with ageing, this natural skin cycle slows down, causing dead cells to accumulate in the outer layer of the skin.
Due to this accumulation, our skin starts getting dull and dark and spots and fine lines start appearing.

This layer of dead skin cells cannot be removed by just taking a bath.  Exfoliation every week is the easiest way to get rid of dead skin cells and keep the skin soft and glowing.  Exfoliation one
It also helps the moisturizing products penetrate the skin, thereby increasing blood circulation.

Exfoliation is essential for all skin types, whether it is oily or dry.  It is also necessary to do this on the skin of the face as well as on the elbows, knees, feet and other parts, where there is more blackness.
You do not need to use chemical-rich products for exfoliation.  There are many natural products out there using which you can easily remove the dead cells from your skin.

Here are 10 most effective home remedies to remove dead skin cells

home remedies to get rid of dead skin cells

1. Oatmeal

The grainy texture of oatmeal or oatmeal makes it a great exfoliating agent for any skin type.  It contains saponins that help in removing dead skin cells, excess sebum and other impurities.
Also, it contains vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for the skin.  It also contains proteins that retain water in the skin and keep it moist.

Take 4 spoons of oatmeal in a bowl.  Now prepare a paste by mixing 4 spoons of curd and 2 spoons of honey in it.  Now apply this paste on your face and massage in circular motion.  This will help to remove dead skin cells.  Now leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.  Then apply some moisturizer.

Alternatively, mix 4 teaspoons of oatmeal with 4-5 teaspoons of honey, lemon and a little water.  Now apply this oatmeal scrub on your skin and wash off after 10 minutes.

Do any one of these treatments once or twice a week.  You can use this oatmeal scrub on the skin of your face and other parts.

Sugar and Olive Oil

2. Sugar and Olive Oil
A mixture of sugar and olive oil works as a very good scrub for any type of skin type.  Fine particles of sugar help to remove dead skin cells and olive oil makes the skin moist.

This scrub can be used as an exfoliate on any part of the body.  It can even be used on the skin of the lips.
Mix 5 teaspoons of olive oil in half a cup of fine sugar.

Now add 2-3 spoons of honey and a little lemon juice to this mixture.
Now apply this mixture on your skin and rub in circular motion for 2-3 minutes.
Wash it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes and after drying apply some moisturizing cream.

Use this sugar scrub once or twice a week.

Green Tea

3. Green Tea
You must be aware that the consumption of green tea keeps the body healthy.  But you can also use the bags of green tea left after making tea, using it as a scrub, to remove dead skin cells.

Green tea leaves have a mild drying effect which helps in removing dead cells and dirt from the skin.  In addition, green tea also helps in whitening the skin, increases skin elasticity and makes the skin healthy.

Take out the remaining green tea from 2 used green tea bags in a bowl.  Now add 2 to 3 spoons of honey to it.
If you want, you can also add two teaspoons of baking soda to it.

Now mix this mixture properly and prepare a thick paste.

Now apply this paste on your face as a mask and leave it on for 10 minutes.

Now clean this scrub slowly with wet fingers.

Use it once a week


4. Coffee
Coffee helps a lot in removing dead skin cells and increasing the production of new skin cells.  Plus, coffee contains flavonols that improve skin texture, repair damaged skin, and help maintain fairness.

Prepare a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil or almond oil, organic honey and fine sugar in 6 teaspoons of coffee.

Now apply this paste on your face, neck, knees and elbows and massage in circular motion.

Now leave it like this for 5-10 and then clean it with warm water.
Use this scrub once a week.


5. Almond
The use of almonds is very beneficial for skin care.  It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E.  Plus, it also contains healthy fats that help keep the skin healthy and young.

Soak 10 almonds in water overnight.  For best results, keep it immersed in milk instead of water.
Next morning, peel these almonds and then make a paste.

Now add two spoons of honey to this paste.
Then apply this paste on your face and neck and rub in circular motion for few minutes.

Now let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes.

Then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Use this almond and honey scrub 2-3 times a week.

Orange Peel

6. Orange Peel

Do not throw away its peels after eating an orange.  Dry these peels in the sun for a few days, then grind them to make powder.  This powder has abrasive properties that act as a natural exfoliating agent.  This will help to remove dirt particles and dead skin cells from your skin.

Also, orange peels are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which help in making the skin young and vibrant.
Mix equal quantity of orange peel powder and plain yogurt.

Now apply it on your face and neck area.
Leave it like this for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Then clean the paste by gently rubbing in circular motions with wet hands.  And then wash off with lukewarm water.
Do this remedy once a week.

Gram Flour

7. Gram Flour

Besan is a very effective natural product to remove dead cells from the skin and to make the skin glowing and fair.  It also helps in removing excess oil from the skin and prevents acne, blackheads and dark spots.

Prepare a paste by mixing rose water or water as needed in 4 teaspoons of gram flour.  Now apply this paste well on your skin.  Now wait for it to dry completely and then clean it with wet hands.

Alternatively, mix 3 to 3 tablespoons of gram flour and plain yogurt.  You can also add one and a half teaspoon of turmeric powder to it.  If the paste becomes too thick, add some more curd to it.  Now apply this paste well on your face and neck and then wait for it to dry.  Then clean and wash it thoroughly.

Do any one of these remedies once or twice a week.

Avocado Seeds

8.Avocado Seeds
Avocado seeds are also beneficial for removing dead skin cells.  Plus, it also helps in removing excess sebum and other impurities from the skin.
Avocado seeds are rich in antioxidants that help repair and nourish dry and damaged skin.

Wash some avocado seeds and remove the brown skin.

Now grind them finely in a mixer and make powder.

Now take two spoons of powder in a bowl and mix one spoon each of olive oil and honey.

Now apply this mixture on the skin of your face, neck, hands etc and rub it in circular motion.

Now let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes and then take a bath.

Use this scrub once a week.

take care

Wash your face thoroughly with water before applying the scrub.
Since the natural oil is removed from the skin after exfoliation, which makes the skin dry, so apply moisturizer after exfoliation.

If the scrub accidentally gets in the eye, wash it immediately with water.
Do not rub the skin excessively while exfoliating.  This can damage the skin and cause injury.

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